In honor of Fair Trade Month, make sure you shop a bit differently this weekend. Fairly traded products allow those involved in the process to earn a fair wage. As such, your choice to choose a certain kind of coffee, chocolate or clothing means that someone else can live a little bit better, send their children to school, and afford adequate medical care. However, 'fair trade' means more than pricing. It also means that democratic processes were used in the negotiating process, and that the environment was taken care of properly during production. Celebrate by shopping with a conscience.
From Cool People Care
KAFE KISKEYA creates a comfortable space for folks from various parts of the city to meet in & share time together. ~ KISKEYA is the Taino Indian word for Mother of the Earth & is what the Island of Hispaniola, including Haiti & Dominican Republic, was called before Columbus arrived over 500 years ago, a time when all of the inhabitants lived in harmony. ~ THE DREAM is for all of humanity to once again live together peacefully on this Earth. By spending time together, we can make that dream a reality!
12 October 2007
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