KAFE KISKEYA creates a comfortable space for folks from various parts of the city to meet in & share time together. ~ KISKEYA is the Taino Indian word for Mother of the Earth & is what the Island of Hispaniola, including Haiti & Dominican Republic, was called before Columbus arrived over 500 years ago, a time when all of the inhabitants lived in harmony. ~ THE DREAM is for all of humanity to once again live together peacefully on this Earth. By spending time together, we can make that dream a reality!

03 January 2008

Jan 3rd @ 6pm 1st Thursdays Event

Please enjoy the evening planned at Kafe Kiskeya (3226 East 12th Street, KCMO 64127) Jan 3rd @ 6pm for the next 1st Thursdays Event.

This month features artists who will participate in the MULTICULTURAL TRAVELING EXTRAVAGANZA at KCK Community College on Sat Jan 5th,

PLUS the music of Roger & Pam Francis at 7pm. Others who wish to perform music or spoken word are welcome to do so afterwards.

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